Happy New Year! Welcome 2023!
New Year’s is a time of new beginnings and the start of another great year. Many love to watch the ball in Times Square drop at midnight signifying the start of the new year. For the majority of us, the celebrations start on December 31st and continue into January 1st. Parties, eating good food, seeing friends and family, and making new year’s resolutions are all a huge part of the tradition. I would like to provide some history to how this exciting time of the year came about. Ancient New Year’s celebrations include the vernal equinox starting off the new year, a religious festival called Atiku, and many looking to their calendars to see when the best time to bring in the new year was. The early Roman calendar was created with 10 months and 304 days. In time, Julius Caesar worked with astronomers and scientists to create a calendar that closely resembles what we know today. January 1 was named the beginning of the new year after the Roman God Janus, who was the Roman god of beginnings.
Today, many of us celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day with food, parties, fireworks, traditions, rituals, singing, marking resolutions, watching the ball drop in Times Square, and many more. We all want to wish a year of blessings upon ourselves and others. Making resolutions comes from the ancient Babylon as they believed making promises was a way to earn favor of the gods and start off on the right foot. Our team at Yellowstone Rent a Car wants to be a part of your new year and make it the smoothest possible. We are here to assist with any transportation needs you may need this upcoming year.
If you want to know more about car rentals, give us a call at Yellowstone Rent A Car (406) 312-1303 or email us at info@yellowstonerentacar.com. We hope this year brings all the joy and we want to wish you a Happy New Year!