Halloween is here!
Happy Halloween! On October 31st, people all around the country will be dressing up and celebrating the holiday we know as Halloween. We all know how much fun this is, but what about where the idea came from? It first originated with the Celtic Festival of Samhain. This day marked the end of summer as the next day, November 1st, the beginning of their new year. On October 31, it was believed that the ghosts of their dead came back to earth. These spirits would come and destroy crops and cause trouble. However, these spirits, called Druids were also believed to help Priests make predictions about the future. To commemorate this day, Druids built huge bonfires where the Celtic people would burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. The Celtics would dress up in costumes during this event. Once the Roman Empire took over the Celtics, the tradition was changed to Christian ways.
It was not easy to get Halloween to America as it was strictly limited to colonial England. However, as it started to take hold in the colonies, different forms emerged as it meshed with the European ethnic groups and the Indians. The American version of Halloween was beginning to emerge. The first celebrations were “play parties”, ghost stories, bon fires, dancing, singing, and pulling pranks. In the late 1800s, there was a movement to make Halloween a more communal and socially interactive holiday. This was when Halloween parties and trick-or-treating became popular. From there, the tradition started to grow and made Halloween what it is today in America. This is a holiday we all know and look forward to every year.
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